Our Products

The products are designed to –

  • Fulfil Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) of Every Nutrient required by the body.

  • To provide an easy method for including essential nutrients in your daily food.

  • Give you an easy diet options through your daily food

  • Benefit all age groups in the family

Founder & Chief Mentor

Mrinalini Sant

Clinical Dietician

M.Sc. Bio Chemistry, BM Tech, PG Dip. in Dietetics at SNDT College of Home Science

For more than eight years l am practicing as Clinical Dietician. Member of Indian Dietetic Association, currently associated with Krishna Hospital, Pune for OPD/IPD/ICU patients. Attended various seminars like Immunonutrition for Cancer patients, Dietary guidelines workshop on cardiology patients, Ketogenic Diet and its application in clinical practice.

Conducted lectures on managing “Diabetes with Nutritious Food”, “Role of Nutrition in Pregnancy” and “Good Eating Habits & Better Health” for different medical centres and corporates.

I have designed Nutri-Products in association with Aswad foods. These products provide easy diet options for diabetic people, result oriented fat loss, best nutrition for women in menopause and it also turned out to be the best easy healthy meal option for those looking for “Calcium and Protein Rich” food in a routine diet.

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